Friday 30 November 2007

Renovation begins next door....

Wah.... Came home, So damn Smelly sia! Have to close all the darn windows upstairs and downstairs to keep the smell out.

Rather tired these past few days and would not like to write too much.

Oh! We have a new plan for our last REMT Assignment of the year. I'll be "Shredding" On the piano, as always but! I'm also gonna rap. The Lyrics are pretty sweet and sadistic which describes Me! Lord Ultimate Deep.... I'll look forward to record this new groove! Gosh must thank Lord Tera and Henry for all this plan which I neva heard of in my life!

Still cannot get past that MIDI assignmennt which we had until next week thanks to being unable to save any preset... Gonna Chiongster on MIDI next week.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

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