Thursday 6 November 2008

Holidays are over...with LOTS of Updates to be had.

Wow...Quite some time since I last blogged.

Genesis II turns officially 25 now. I have been with them for slightly more than a year now, playing a major role in backing Noel on the Piano and standing in should he be absent. He would be on Saturday. Noel is currently in Bangkok. He'll be returning tomorrow but has a wedding on Saturday. We had a blast for the past couple of Weeks since our All Saints Mass. We went to Garden Slug somewhere in Taluk Kurau after mass. Quite alot of Photographs we took. Food was pretty good.

We also just had mass with Father Valerian Cheong yesterday, one of the Founders ordained a Priest. Hell, do we have such a great dinner! With some exceptions with Shaun and Jeremy Oh Playing a fool, drinking from whosever cup and eating from whosever plate closest to them. Idiots I would say.

Speaking of Weddings, One of my DMAT lecturers, Geoffrey Low is gonna get married on Saturday! My mates have been thinking on what should we get for him as a gift. His wedding will be at 111 Tank Road at the Church Of the Sacred Heart, 9 am. I'm gonna be there not just as a catholic, but to also show support to my Current Recording and Mixing Lecturer.

I would definitely like to recommend a Facebook App which was featured in the My Paper section directly at the back headlines in Chinese. It is Called Battle Stations. A P v P between Battle Ships. You can use gold and resources to upgrade ships and purchase your relevant and neccessary equipment. I'm currently Level 57 as of this post in the blog. Guys who pass by please invite here:

I currently belong to one of the most Famous clans: the Brethren Academy. There are real lot of nice chaps in the clan, including one of the Clan Masters, Caezar Arceo. I'm gonna have another annual concert for Classical Heritage yet again on the November 30th. Caezar's been spreading the word all around the place, trying to get SG people to support me. Venue's pretty much the same:

Talking more about the Brethren and its affilated academy, I've been appointed an Admiral (the 2nd most priestigious rank in the clan, behind the Clan Masters.) after just over a month of Battle Stations since joining them at level 13. I've been doing a fair lot of Video Works to Promote BeA.

There are currently 3 Brethren Academy Works: (Fort Sinks of the Week 1) (Official Promotional Video for BeA) (SS Ultimax Compilation)

These I would like to thank Brethren Academy, the Clan Masters and especially Caezar Arceo for the support of the vids.

Concerning School, we've got TONNES and TONNES of stuff to do! I haven't much time to do em' since 2 of my Massively huge projects must be completed in 28 days. This is Fuckin' Crazy...Don't ask and don't rub it in. But Finally, I got a 4 day week in school instead of 5. Shiok!'

Lots of Updates, really. Haven't have time, nor the room to write em' all.

Holding on, this is Admiral Ultimate Deep, Signing off!

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