Heya, It's about time I repost again!
Tonnes of Updates to be had;
First of all, is that I now have a PC replacement for the Dead Pentium 4 and to supplement my Laptop. This will be my platform to make games and render HD Video. It's been some early trying out and migration of alot of data from laptop to desktop. That also includes abit of tweaking here and there.
Encountered a very strange odd "Addition?" to our Genesis 2 family and also a very shocking incident involving him. Now if you are somewhat under the rock is that for the last 4-5 weeks before Christmas, we celebrate Advent BEFORE we celebrate Christmas. Ezekiel, that guy, entered the Church wearing da Santa Hat. Mel went and told him off, and he flung his hat high and dropping onto the Holy grounds of the Church. And he did it right in front of eyes where the hat dropped next to the Electone.
Not only he left it there for Mel to pick it up, he kicked the pew before sitting down. And when he asks for his hat he's like near shouting: Can I have my Hat back please? Also, he whack the pew again the next day for Combined Choir with his umbrella this time. Already tahan-ed his antics for 2 months and also for the sake of our young ones already feeling threatened by his presence, he got the boot. St. Davids Choir already aware of him, already denied him entry before coming into G2. It was Bryan's intervention and his observations to Darren and the rest of the leaders including me that led to leave G2.
GG....Holy shit.
Welcome to the my Personal Blogspace, belonging to myself MusicHaven2012. You can follow my Video Uploads on http:youtube.com/MusicHaven2012
Tuesday, 20 December 2011
Sunday, 2 October 2011
Ultimate Reviews: Path Of Exile (Closed Beta Testing)
Release date: Open Beta, January 2012
Genre: Hack & Slash RPG
Developer: Grinding Gear Games, Indie
Current Version: October 2011, 0.9.3
Status: Closed Beta
System Requirements: TBA
Heya, giving another Ultimate Review today on an Indie Game that I feel that is well worth taking a look and to keep up with.
So this game, Path Of Exile is a Hack and Slash RPG game very much like the style of Diablo 2. It's currently in a Closed Beta Testing Stage right now and is scheduled to go Open Beta early next year. Now this game took quite a long while to develop and design, but it looks very promising judging by the looks and the amount of content already available in the Closed Beta. It incorporates a unique levelling system, an updated graphics engine and some other tweaks which will make the gameplay fun and enjoyable.
The mechanics work similarly to the Diablo Series. But it's the skill tree which is scary. Also All items are socketed and only gems corresponding to the color socket in the gear can be inserted. These gems grant additional abilities and spells, rather than learning.
Compare with similar style games, Torchlight, another similar style has graphics which are somewhat more cartoony, and brighter. Path Of Exile's Graphics Engine makes the world a lot darker and dangerous while Diablo 2 and 3 has a mix of both.
Although it's still a work in progress, Grinding Gear Games has always ensured to keep working on the game and improving it as time goes on, with an upcoming patch to the game later this month, to do significant refinements and fixes. It's not perfect, but who cares. This game boasts in quality which will put itself as a direct rival to the upcoming Blizzard's major title, Diablo 3.
This game is expected to go Open Beta before Diablo 3's release after Blizzard revealed that there has been yet a further delay.
I can safely say that even with all the stuff already there, it's worth so much hype as an indie Major title. And also, did I mention yet that Path Of Exile will be FREE?!!! Yes, I am dead serious, this game will be free to play upon Open Beta Period.
"Great Indie, Direct D3 Rival"
"Great Indie, Direct D3 Rival"
9.6 / 10
Undoubtedly a great game though still needs tweaking. However a lot of stuff has already been planned. Register for the forums and be active and you'll get a chance to get the Key Needed for the BETA till the Open Beta. Feel free to drop by. More details and further updates are always posted there.
Saturday, 17 September 2011
Need some serious Help on a few things.
Okay, there are some things I wanna ask of you guys for help:
1. YouTube Channel: MOAR SUBSCRIBERS! (http://youtube.com/UDeep)
I definitely need more subscribers after already hitting 250K views, I now have close to 265K now. I don't want to resort to SUB 4 SUB. Let's be honest people, people whore out subscribers because of SUB 4 SUB where the channel has almost absolutely Nothing. There's like no content, crappy content or with stolen content (Quoted by IdeoProductions, now Jogwheel Productions Jonathan Paula) on those Channels. That's cheating dude. I got my 265K Views the hard way.
By the way, the upcoming series of Gamers' Haven will be shifted to a new channel: UDeepGamersHaven so do subscribe in future. Episode 1 is already in my Main Channel which NEEDS subscribers. Future Gameplay videos will be in GamersHaven, Music Videos in my Main Channel.
2. Computer 2 Options:
Part A: ATI Mobility Radeon HD 5470 Overclocking Help.
Well I have two Options here. The first option is that I want to get more juice coming out from the weak ATI Mobility Radeon 1GB HD5470. I hear of some tips for Overclocking but doesn't seem to work for me. It would be better if I have somebody personally come down to my place in Singapore to analyze my Laptop whether I can overclock or not. I tried MSI Afterburner, RivaTuner but sucks balls really. Even my Catalyst Control Center DOESN'T have ATI Overdrive, WTF is that?? So I would appreciate if somebody for that expertise can give some assistance.
If it doesn't work, how about Part B?
Part B: Computer Build, Gaming rig for Budget.
Well, big big issue with my Current Desktop. It died on me earlier in the year. Dad Reckon it's the Video card problem, so we swap out the old GeForce 7300LE 256MB for the new ATI Radeon HD 5750 1GB GDDR5. Thing is that didn't solve the frigging Problem so it was left for dead idling inside the Pentium 4 Chassis. To me it's time for a new Build since 2005. Now what I am planning is use the HD 5750 and some parts we can still salvage from the PC for a new build to give my HD 5750 a new lease of Life. This is what I'm salvaging:
The Monitor (pretty recent one), the HD 5750 (obviously), DVD Writer (still good Condition), Hard Disk, Keyboard and Mouse. (Of course the Razor Black Widow Ultimate will be nice).
The Monitor (pretty recent one), the HD 5750 (obviously), DVD Writer (still good Condition), Hard Disk, Keyboard and Mouse. (Of course the Razor Black Widow Ultimate will be nice).
So what I need now for cheap are the following parts:
A good Motherboard, CPU with at least a Core i5 or even better i7, RAM preferbly 8GB all the way to 16GB, New Power Supply and a Case. Dunno whether I can find such stripped down models but please share with me places that can do that as well as the cheap but powerful stuff that I can similarly get in Singapore. Total Budget shouldn't be more than a thousand bucks.
3. Path Of Exile BETA Key Request
Now in connection with No. 1, I am requesting for a Path of Exile Closed BETA Key so I can cast some Gameplay videos for my future Gamers' Haven Channel. Anybody who has it, I would really appreciate it. You can find me (UltimateDeep) at pathofexile.com. Cause I really want to do some casting for the next couple of weeks. After watching TotalBiscuit's Channel, I thought WOW this is a freaking good replacement for Diablo 3! What's more, it's INDIE!!!!!! Can you believe that?!
It might look as though I'm whining here, but this is for the sake of my YouTube Channels so I'll have a better chance going for Partnership even, so apart from my Current Pay, at least with Partnership i could get abit more cash flowing.
4. Request from me to SAF Band.
Any concerts coming up? I would gladly play for one than staying under pressure in the office. Nuff' Said.
Thursday, 2 June 2011
Went on a Movie Spree in End of may: POTC4, Fast 5, Lost Bladesman, Thor
Went and watched quite a number of new films that recently have been released into motion picture cinemas and theatres. This is just a quickie post, and coming up in Ultimate Reviews, will be the respective movies that I watched in detail. But this is just a quick summary.
Thor - Good, alright
Fast & Furious 5 (Fast Five) - Good, alright.
Pirates of the Caribbean 4 - Average, not as so-called "Hype" as the other movies
Lost Bladesman - Crappy, Darren just wants the choir to accompany him to watch this so-called crappy film.
That'll be what that is coming up in UltimateReviews!
Lord UltimateDeep
Paul Anthony Soh
Thor - Good, alright
Fast & Furious 5 (Fast Five) - Good, alright.
Pirates of the Caribbean 4 - Average, not as so-called "Hype" as the other movies
Lost Bladesman - Crappy, Darren just wants the choir to accompany him to watch this so-called crappy film.
That'll be what that is coming up in UltimateReviews!
Lord UltimateDeep
Paul Anthony Soh
Friday, 15 April 2011
Ultimate Reviews: Final Fantasy 4, Complete Collection.
Final Fantasy 4: Complete Collection
Platform: Playstation Portable
Tested with: 5.50 Prometheus 4.
This was one of the major remakes of the Final fantasy Series ported for the Playstation Portable. It features the updated graphics Engine from the first 2 PSP remakes: Final Fantasy 1 and 2 Anniversary Edition and it's played in a 16:9 screen resolution at 480 by 270. This FF is probably the most remade game of all the FFs apart from the FF 1 and 2: Anniversary Editions. It has been remade for the SNES, the GBA as FF4 Advance, the Playstation 1, the Nintendo DS, WonderSwan, the Wii for the After Years, Mobile Cellphone version and of course the Playstation Portable release is the latest one.
This game consists of both games: the original FF4 and the Wii's After Years, plus an added plot element called the Interlude whose storyline lies between the two. So this game is actually 3 games in one 800 MB Package.
The main plot is exactly the same as all other FF4 remakes and re-ports. Cecil, a Dark knight, comtemplating what's between good and bad, decides to fight for justice and for the good of all mankind. The storyline also features other prominent characters like Rosa, Rydia, Kain and Edge who play a major part in the storyline.
The Basic Mechanics of the Final Fantasy Overworld based system remain standard as per most of the FFs from the SNES/GBA ports. However, the developers, SquareEnix incorporated a few added tweaks to the system like being able to switch between idling characters during battle to perform a specific move before moving to the next character which is good.
Other tweaks and features also include a bestiary as standard, and also the setting to change the way how the Background music is played: one preset arranged from the original SNES release, and the preset arranged from the Wii Release, the After Years. Auto-Dash is also included as a togglable setting and this game as of the Japanese Release can be played in 3 Languages: Japanese, English and French. Most bugs that were found in all the other ports have been basically ironed out. Also challenges and other post-game missions have been included as well, in particular the After Years.
The music is composed originally by the revered Nobuo Uematsu for the SNES release, but arrangements improve so did the next releases on the various ports. And now you can toggle between the SNES version and the Wii version of the music.
Just some tips and tricks from me: to get the best of the storyline, you should play original FF4, then the Interlude, then the After Years (tale by tale from top to bottom) in that order, so you will definitely know the flow of the storyline. If you like all the Final Fantasy 4 remakes, then this game is strongly recommended. All I can tell you is that I simply enjoy the game a lot. So in summary:
"Definitely Worth playing, highly Recommended"
Final Fantasy 4 has left behind a great Legacy and impression amongst major reviews: calling it one of the greatest video games ever made of all time. Millions upon millions of copies of this game in various remakes have been released, plus another 3 million for the After Years. None of the reviews made about this game in any port have ever fallen below 80% approval rating. It has craft a legend of a lifetime. It's worth saving 800 megabytes of your storage media, and considering the amount of content in this game, I give it a big thumbs up.
Rating: 9/10
Monday, 28 March 2011
Game Reviews: Crysis 2 and Final Fantasy IV Complete Edition (PSP)
Console: PC, using my ASUS X42J, Might test it on my Dad's ACER ASPIRE 4750G when he gets it. Graphical Settings: High Settings - Actually the lowest setting already. V-Sync - None Resolution: 800 X 600
Hey guys, this week I'll be posting up 2 Game Reviews on 2 very recently new games that were released last week.
Played on the PSP-1006
Firmware: 5.50 Prometheus 4.
2. CRYSIS 2:
Console: PC, using my ASUS X42J, Might test it on my Dad's ACER ASPIRE 4750G when he gets it. Graphical Settings: High Settings - Actually the lowest setting already. V-Sync - None Resolution: 800 X 600
I'll be posting the 2 game reviews after I'm through with the main elements of the storyline. Reason I say that because as for Crysis2, I already had first hand the multiplayer experience from the Demo.
Saturday, 12 February 2011
SAF Band Dinner And Dance 2011....
I think I heard that SAF Band's Dinner and Dance 2011 is held in about couple of weeks. So I'm representing the Band HQ. I already picked my song of choice that I already started sequencing on my KORG M3 quite some time back just missing the back part. I've started my preparations for that now it's going to be the editing of the file. Had to make do with a iPhone Voice Recorder because I don't have a proper recording rig....by now I should already have one but I haven't the money :(
Most probably, I'm gonna do a video with it and it'll probably be in HD 1080p Format and do 2 audio tracks. One mix and one minus one and I'll have to add backup vocals of my own voice in. All this is all just phone recording format but it'll have to do. The audio part will keep me busy for a while tomorrow but no later than that because I have to do the video.
Arrrrrrrgggghhhhh!!!!! My PSP is dying fast on me! Suffered from wear and tear after my dad bought it almost 4 years ago! Gotten guys to repair it twice (luckily didn't have to pay) but can't get rid of this black screen problem! For that, my plan mission is clear: Save up 30-40 bucks every week then get myself a PSP Slim, which I checked Qisahn is that the price of one unit with the standard stuff is actually a very good price of 219 SGD. I can't find other ones that sell for less or the same price as this. I can't get Sony to repair it because it's already well past the 3 year warranty. It's time for a replacement.
Monday, 31 January 2011
Almost kena buang by Crappy Comfy Cabby on Saturday...
Crappy man... I nearly got run over by a Comfort Taxi on Saturday evening before the Big Group Meeting with Genesis 2. Seriously it's so WTF. It so happened that at the pedestrian crossing outside the church where the traffic light was showing the Green Man Light while this stupid cabby just zoomed past me and Gerald. I wanted to Fucking scold the Cabby. He's asking for trouble.
This wasn't first time that I nearly got ran over by a vehicle where it was Green man for me and red light for the drivers. I nearly got ran over by a car at the same scenario and AT EXACTLY THE SAME PLACE!!!!!
2nd time I escaped death....if I had been struck down by an oncoming vehicle who wasn't even wary about the traffic lights, that would've been the end of Master UltimateDeep....
This wasn't first time that I nearly got ran over by a vehicle where it was Green man for me and red light for the drivers. I nearly got ran over by a car at the same scenario and AT EXACTLY THE SAME PLACE!!!!!
2nd time I escaped death....if I had been struck down by an oncoming vehicle who wasn't even wary about the traffic lights, that would've been the end of Master UltimateDeep....
Thursday, 13 January 2011
Welcome Asus X42J! Bye Fujitsu Lifebook E8210, nice knowing ya...NOT!!!
UltimateDeep here, Just a really quick one, I just feel like Blogging abit.
Now I have bode my Old Fujitsu Lifebook E8210 Goodbye! Lasted me for 3 and a half years. Although it needed several repairs and reformats its double disk partition saved my d:\ Documents from deletion! But say goodbye to it because of this:
- Too small a Hard Drive
- Too weak a Graphics Unit
- Several dings, dangs and dongs everywhere especially the lid where it now looks like shit.
- One BIG crack on the side of the Chassis.
- USB Ports broken
- 1 second battery life WTF seriously!
And so on.....
And now it's time for an upgrade! The ASUS X42J!

This unit is a new model and a significant upgrade to the K42Jr so you can't really find the true X42J Unit. My dad got it from Bedok Point Challenger for my Present for Birthday and Christmas at once. It comes with the Following specs.
Intel Core i7 Processor 740QM (1.73 GHz, TurboBoost to 2.93GHz) - Mid Top Tier (Tier 1) Processor
ATI Mobility Radeon HD5470 with 1GB GDDR3 RAM - High Tier 3 Graphics Chip
500GB Hard Drive
Windows 7
Definitely a big upgrade from my Old one. Look out on my YouTube Channel for possible HD-Rendered Videos at full High Definition resolution. 1080p widescreen!
Now I have bode my Old Fujitsu Lifebook E8210 Goodbye! Lasted me for 3 and a half years. Although it needed several repairs and reformats its double disk partition saved my d:\ Documents from deletion! But say goodbye to it because of this:
- Too small a Hard Drive
- Too weak a Graphics Unit
- Several dings, dangs and dongs everywhere especially the lid where it now looks like shit.
- One BIG crack on the side of the Chassis.
- USB Ports broken
- 1 second battery life WTF seriously!
And so on.....
And now it's time for an upgrade! The ASUS X42J!

This unit is a new model and a significant upgrade to the K42Jr so you can't really find the true X42J Unit. My dad got it from Bedok Point Challenger for my Present for Birthday and Christmas at once. It comes with the Following specs.
Intel Core i7 Processor 740QM (1.73 GHz, TurboBoost to 2.93GHz) - Mid Top Tier (Tier 1) Processor
ATI Mobility Radeon HD5470 with 1GB GDDR3 RAM - High Tier 3 Graphics Chip
500GB Hard Drive
Windows 7
Definitely a big upgrade from my Old one. Look out on my YouTube Channel for possible HD-Rendered Videos at full High Definition resolution. 1080p widescreen!
A review to follow on the next post.
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