Sunday, 17 May 2009


Okay, We enter the Middle of May. Got quite alot of stuff to say.

First of all, I'm freaking FREAKING stressed up right now. Cuz' now in 3rd year and now my assignment workload is pretty much Fucked up. I just feel so tired lately, really. I think I've been trying so hard.

Lately, my dad just got a couple of guys to come in and replace my old air-conditioning units for new ones. Now the ground floor Living and Dining rooms have one unit each. It takes for them 2 days to finish, i was starting to complain when the workers worked till 11:30pm in the first night. I was simply too tired to say anything else, but to urge them to finish up.

Last week, My Old Laptop charger broke after some freak incident during Processes in Asian Music made me drop my charger and drain the hell out of my Battery power which cannot even last for 5 minutes! 5 F***ING minutes! What the hell is that?! WOW.....can't describe with anything else. I just bought a replacement on Thursday, which cost Shit. 160 Bucks for a Charger?! Crap man.

Oh, just on Friday I went for the Movie Angels and Demons with some of my Choir Members: Noel, Winnie, Darren, Chris, Bryan, Clara, Anthony, Jonathan. I didn't see anything wrong about it after rumors from my friends tell me that it might shake my faith. To me I just see it as a Fictional Story, of course, Catholic Newspaper yesterday reported that the Vatican Newspaper say there isn't really anything wrong with it. Huh. I bought a bag of Popcorn but I only finished half, Yucks....Too much honey, or was it Caramel? Either way, yucks.

That's quite alot to say....AND Oh yeah! I'll be buying a Ticket from Si Hao for Final Fantasy Distant Worlds, might even get to meet Mr Nobuo Uematsu-sama himself since he'll be present there. Thanks to Si Hao, he will sell his extra tickets to Me and Shun. So that'll make the 3 of us. Sorry Genesis II, can't make it for mass this Saturday, Har har....